Source code for meshparty.iterator

__doc__ = """
Mesh Iterator Classes

import random
import time
import numpy as np

ORDERS = ["random", "sequential"]

[docs]class LocalViewIterator(object): """ Iterator class which samples local views that cover an entire mesh. Each mesh vertex is counted as "covered" if it's included in at least one local view across the iterator. """ def __init__(self, mesh, n_points, batch_size=1, order="random", pc_align=False, pc_norm=False, adaptnorm=False, fisheye=False, sample_n_points=None, verbose=False): assert order in ORDERS, f"invalid order {order} not in {ORDERS}" self._active_inds = list(range(mesh.vertices.shape[0])) self._order = order self._mesh = mesh self._batch_size = batch_size # arguments for local view method calls self._kwargs = dict(n_points=n_points, pc_align=pc_align, fisheye=fisheye, verbose=verbose, sample_n_points=sample_n_points, return_node_ids=True, pc_norm=pc_norm) self._deact_kwargs = dict(n_points=n_points, pc_align=pc_align, adapt_unit_sphere_norm=adaptnorm, verbose=verbose, sample_n_points=None, return_node_ids=True, pc_norm=pc_norm) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): time_start = time.time() # stopping condition: no more indices to sample if len(self._active_inds) == 0: raise StopIteration n_samples = min(self._batch_size, len(self._active_inds)) if self._order == "random": random.seed(time.time()) centers = np.random.choice(self._active_inds, n_samples, replace=False) views, _, node_ids = self._mesh.get_local_views( center_node_ids=centers, **self._kwargs) if self._kwargs["sample_n_points"] is not None: _, _, node_ids = self._mesh.get_local_views( center_node_ids=centers, **self._deact_kwargs) self._deactivate_nodes(node_ids.flatten()) elif self._order == "sequential": centers = [] views = [] while len(self._active_inds) > 0: centers.append(self._active_inds[0]) view, _, node_ids = self._mesh.get_local_views( center_node_ids=[centers[-1]], **self._kwargs) views.extend(view) if self._kwargs["sample_n_points"] is not None: _, _, node_ids = self._mesh.get_local_views( center_node_ids=centers, **self._deact_kwargs) self._deactivate_nodes(node_ids) else: raise Exception() print("Views took %.3fs" % (time.time() - time_start)) return np.array(views, dtype=np.float32), \ np.array(centers, dtype=np.uint32) def _deactivate_nodes(self, node_ids): """ Removes nodes from consideration which have been sampled in the last patch """ if isinstance(node_ids, np.ndarray): node_ids = node_ids.tolist() to_deactivate = set(node_ids) self._active_inds = list(filter(lambda x: x not in to_deactivate, self._active_inds))