Source code for meshparty.mesh_filters

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

[docs]def filter_close_to_line(mesh, line_end_pts, line_dist_th, axis=1, endcap_buffer=0, sphere_ends=False, map_to_unmasked=True): ''' Given a mesh and a line segment defined by two end points, make a filter leaving only those nodes within a certain distance of the line segment in a plane defined by a normal axis (e.g. the y axis defines distances in the xy plane) Parameters ---------- mesh : meshparty.trimesh_io.Mesh Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices line_end_pts: numpy.array 2x3 numpy array defining the two end points line_dist_th: numeric numeric, distance threshold axis: int integer 0-2. Defines which axis is normal to the plane in which distances is computed. optional, default 1 (y-axis). Returns ------- numpy.array N-length boolean array ''' line_pt_ord = np.argsort(line_end_pts[:, axis]) ds = _dist_from_line(mesh.vertices, line_end_pts, axis) below_top = mesh.vertices[:, axis] > line_end_pts[line_pt_ord[0], axis] - endcap_buffer above_bot = mesh.vertices[:, axis] < line_end_pts[line_pt_ord[1], axis] + endcap_buffer is_close = (ds < line_dist_th) & above_bot & below_top if sphere_ends is True: near_a = np.linalg.norm(mesh.vertices - line_end_pts[0], axis=1) < line_dist_th near_b = np.linalg.norm(mesh.vertices - line_end_pts[1], axis=1) < line_dist_th end_cap = near_a | near_b is_close = is_close | end_cap if map_to_unmasked: is_close = mesh.map_boolean_to_unmasked(is_close) return is_close
def _dist_from_line(pts, line_end_pts, axis): ps = (pts[:, axis] - line_end_pts[0, axis]) / (line_end_pts[1, axis] - line_end_pts[0, axis]) line_pts = np.multiply(ps[:, np.newaxis], line_end_pts[1] - line_end_pts[0]) + line_end_pts[0] ds = np.linalg.norm(pts - line_pts, axis=1) return ds
[docs]def filter_components_by_size(mesh, min_size=0, max_size=np.inf, map_to_unmasked=True): """ returns a boolean mask for vertices that are part of components in a size range Parameters ---------- mesh : meshparty.trimesh_io.Mesh A Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices min_size : int the minimum number of vertices in compoment (default 0) max_size : int the maximum number of vertices in compoment (default infinity) Returns ------- np.array N-length boolean array """ cc, labels = sparse.csgraph.connected_components(mesh.csgraph, directed=False) uids, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) good_labels = uids[(counts > min_size) & (counts <= max_size)] is_good = np.in1d(labels, good_labels) if map_to_unmasked: is_good = mesh.map_boolean_to_unmasked(is_good) return is_good
[docs]def filter_largest_component(mesh, map_to_unmasked=True): """ returns a boolean mask for vertices that are part of the largest component Parameters ---------- mesh : meshparty.trimesh_io.Mesh A Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices Returns ------- np.array N-length boolean array """ cc, labels = sparse.csgraph.connected_components(mesh.csgraph) uids, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) max_label = np.argmax(counts) in_largest = labels == max_label if map_to_unmasked: in_largest = mesh.map_boolean_to_unmasked(in_largest) return in_largest
[docs]def filter_spatial_distance_from_points(mesh, pts, d_max, map_to_unmasked=True): """ returns a boolean mask for vertices near a set of points Parameters ---------- mesh : meshparty.trimesh_io.Mesh A Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices pts : numpy.array a Kx3 set of points d_max : float the maximum distance to points to include (same units as mesh.vertices) Returns ------- np.array N-length boolean array """ if type(pts) == list: pts = np.array(pts) if len(pts.shape) == 1: assert(len(pts) == 3) ds = np.linalg.norm(mesh.vertices-pts[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) return ds < d_max close_enough = np.full((len(mesh.vertices), len(pts)), False) for ii, pt in enumerate(pts): ds = np.linalg.norm(mesh.vertices-pt, axis=1) close_enough[:, ii] = ds < d_max is_close = np.any(close_enough, axis=1) if map_to_unmasked: is_close = mesh.map_boolean_to_unmasked(is_close) return is_close
[docs]def filter_geodesic_distance(mesh, points, max_distance, max_valid_mapping=np.inf, map_to_unmasked=True): ''' Returns a boolean array of mesh points within a max distance of points along the mesh graph. Parameters ---------- mesh : meshparty.trimesh_io.Mesh A Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices points: numpy.array An Mx3 array of points in space or M-length array of mesh indices max_distance : float Max distance along the mesh graph to include in the filter. max_valid_mapping : float If points are used, sets the max distance for valid mesh point mapping. map_to_unmasked : bool If True, returns mask in indexing of the Nu-length unmasked mesh. Returns ------- mask : np.array Boolean array with Nu (or N) entries, True where vertices are close to any of the points/indices provided. ''' points = np.array(points) if len(points.shape) == 2: if points.shape[1] == 3: ds, inds = mesh.kdtree.query(points, distance_upper_bound=max_valid_mapping) inds = inds[~np.isinf(ds)] else: inds = points.ravel() else: inds = points return np.invert(np.isinf(sparse.csgraph.dijkstra(mesh.csgraph, indices=inds, limit=max_distance, min_only=True)))
[docs]def filter_two_point_distance(mesh, pts_foci, d_pad, indices=None, power=1, map_to_unmasked=True): ''' Returns a boolean array of mesh points such that the sum of the distance from a point to each of the two foci are less than a constant. The constant is set by the distance between the two foci plus a user-specified padding. Optionally, use other Minkowski-like metrics (i.e. x^n + y^n < d^n where x and y are the distances to the foci.) Parameters ---------- mesh : meshparty.trimesh_io.Mesh A Trimesh-like mesh with N vertices pts_foci: numpy.array 2x3 array with the two foci in 3d space. d_pad: float Extra padding of the threhold distance beyond the distance between foci. indices : iterator Instead of pts_foci, one can specify a len(2) list of two indices into the mesh.vertices default None. Will override pts_foci. power : int what power to use in Minkowski-like metrics for distance metric. Returns ------- np.array N-length boolean array ''' if indices is None: _, minds_foci = mesh.kdtree.query(pts_foci) else: minds_foci = np.array(indices) if len(minds_foci) != 2: print('One or both mesh points were not found') return None d_foci_to_all = sparse.csgraph.dijkstra(mesh.csgraph, indices=minds_foci, unweighted=False, ) dmax = d_foci_to_all[0, minds_foci[1]] + d_pad if np.isinf(dmax): print('Points are not in the same mesh component') return None if power != 1: is_in_ellipse = np.sum(np.power(d_foci_to_all, power), axis=0) < np.power(dmax, power) else: is_in_ellipse = np.sum(d_foci_to_all, axis=0) < dmax if map_to_unmasked: is_in_ellipse = mesh.map_boolean_to_unmasked(is_in_ellipse) return is_in_ellipse