Source code for meshparty.skeleton_utils

import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

[docs]def make_windows(input_d): delta_d = np.abs(np.diff(input_d)) d_min = input_d - np.concatenate([delta_d / 2, [0]]) d_max = input_d + np.concatenate([[0], delta_d / 2]) return d_min, d_max
def _assign_window(x, d_min, d_max): indv = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_and(x >= d_min, x < d_max)) if len(indv) == 1: return indv[0] else: return None
[docs]def assign_windows(des_d, init_d): "Assign desired distances to windows determined from the initial distances for each vertex" d_min, d_max = make_windows(init_d) _p_assign_window = partial(_assign_window, d_min=d_min, d_max=d_max) _assign_window_v = np.vectorize(_p_assign_window) inds = _assign_window_v(des_d) return inds
[docs]def resample_path( path, sk, path_counter, spacing, kind, tip_length_ratio, branch_d, avoid_root ): "Resample a specific path to get a desired spacing" return_direct = False if path[-1] != sk.root: # find that last edge whose start point was the first vertex in the path # do this so we don't get big gaps from soma->branch or branch->branch last_node = int(sk.parent_nodes(path[-1])) if last_node == sk.root: mod_path = path if len(path) == 1 and avoid_root: return_direct = True else: path_as_list = list(path) path_as_list.append(last_node) mod_path = sk.SkeletonIndex(path_as_list) add_last_edge = True else: mod_path = path add_last_edge = False if len(mod_path) == 1 or (len(mod_path) == 2 and avoid_root): return_direct == True # If path only contains the root, or just one point and then the root and avoid_root is active, # just return without doing anything except updating new_edges. if return_direct: new_verts = sk.vertices[mod_path] if len(mod_path) == 1: new_edges = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=int) else: new_edges = ( np.vstack( [ np.arange(len(new_verts) - 1, 0, -1, dtype=int), np.arange(len(new_verts) - 2, -1, -1, dtype=int), ] ).T + path_counter ) if add_last_edge: new_edges = np.vstack([new_edges, [path_counter, branch_d[last_node]]]) output_map_path = np.array(mod_path) return new_verts, new_edges, output_map_path, branch_d # use the distance from root to parameterize the path input_d = sk.distance_to_root[mod_path] # setup an interpolation function based upon distance to root as input and xyz as output fi = interpolate.interp1d(input_d, sk.vertices[mod_path, :], kind=kind, axis=0) # the desired distances from root are evenly spaced according to spacing des_d = np.arange(np.min(input_d), np.max(input_d), spacing) if avoid_root and mod_path[-1] == sk.root: # Use the tip length ratio or 1/2, whichever is larger to keep new nodes out of soma domain. # This keeps desired points out of domain of the root node. d_last = np.abs(input_d[-1] - input_d[-2]) des_d = des_d[ np.logical_or( des_d > (d_last * np.max((tip_length_ratio, 0.5))), des_d == 0 ) ] # use the function to interpolate the new values # we need to add that last node to the verts ONLY IF the last edge length # meets the cutoff defined in tip_length_ratio new_verts = fi(des_d) inds = assign_windows(des_d, input_d) output_map_path = np.array(mod_path[inds]) tip_ind = mod_path[0] true_tip = sk.vertices[tip_ind, :] if np.linalg.norm(new_verts[-1] - true_tip) / spacing > tip_length_ratio: new_verts = np.vstack([new_verts, true_tip]) output_map_path = np.concatenate((output_map_path, [tip_ind])) # find the index of the old branch points in the new path is_branch = np.isin(np.array(path), np.concatenate([sk.branch_points, np.array([sk.root])])) path_branch = np.array(path[is_branch]) path_branch_verts = sk.vertices[path_branch, :] tree = KDTree(new_verts) map_ds, new_branch_on_path = tree.query(path_branch_verts) new_branch_on_path += path_counter # create a temporary dictionary with this path's branch points new_branch_d = {pb: nw for pb, nw in zip(path_branch, new_branch_on_path)} # update the overall mapping dictionary branch_d.update(new_branch_d) # new edges just march down path from last vertex to first new_edges = ( np.vstack( [ np.arange(len(new_verts) - 1, 0, -1), np.arange(len(new_verts) - 2, -1, -1), ] ).T + path_counter ) if add_last_edge: # if we do have one, then we want to add an edge that is the from the first vertex # in the path, to the new vertex (mapped through branch_d) of the edge we found # in the original edge list new_edges = np.vstack([new_edges, [path_counter, branch_d[last_node]]]) return new_verts, new_edges, output_map_path, branch_d