Source code for meshparty.trimesh_vtk

import vtk
from vtk.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtk, numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray, vtk_to_numpy
import numpy as np
import os

[docs]def numpy_to_vtk_cells(mat): """function to convert a numpy array of integers to a vtkCellArray Parameters ---------- mat : np.array MxN array to be converted Returns ------- vtk.vtkCellArray representing the numpy array, has the same shaped cell (N) at each of the M indices """ cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() # Seemingly, VTK may be compiled as 32 bit or 64 bit. # We need to make sure that we convert the trilist to the correct dtype # based on this. See numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray() for details. isize = vtk.vtkIdTypeArray().GetDataTypeSize() req_dtype = np.int32 if isize == 4 else np.int64 n_elems = mat.shape[0] n_dim = mat.shape[1] cells.SetCells(n_elems, numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray( np.hstack((np.ones(n_elems)[:, None] * n_dim, mat)).astype(req_dtype).ravel(), deep=1)) return cells
[docs]def numpy_rep_to_vtk(vertices, shapes, edges=None): """ converts a numpy representation of vertices and vertex connection graph to a polydata object and corresponding cell array Parameters ---------- vertices: a Nx3 numpy array of vertex locations shapes: a MxK numpy array of vertex connectivity (could be triangles (K=3) or edges (K=2)) Returns ------- vtk.vtkPolyData a polydata object with point set according to vertices, vtkCellArray a vtkCellArray of the shapes """ mesh = vtk.vtkPolyData() points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(vertices, deep=1)) mesh.SetPoints(points) cells = numpy_to_vtk_cells(shapes) if edges is not None: if len(edges) > 0: edges = numpy_to_vtk_cells(edges) else: edges = None return mesh, cells, edges
[docs]def graph_to_vtk(vertices, edges): """ converts a numpy representation of vertices and edges to a vtkPolyData object Parameters ---------- vertices: np.array a Nx3 numpy array of vertex locations edges: np.array a Mx2 numpy array of vertex connectivity where the values are the indexes of connected vertices Returns ------- vtk.vtkPolyData a polydata object with point set according to vertices and edges as its Lines Raises ------ ValueError if edges is not 2d or refers to out of bounds vertices """ if edges.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('graph_to_vtk() only works on edge lists') if np.max(edges) >= len(vertices): msg = 'edges refer to non existent vertices {}.' raise ValueError(msg.format(np.max(edges))) mesh, cells, edges = numpy_rep_to_vtk(vertices, edges) mesh.SetLines(cells) return mesh
[docs]def trimesh_to_vtk(vertices, tris, graph_edges=None): """Return a `vtkPolyData` representation of a :obj:`TriMesh` instance Parameters ---------- vertices : np.array numpy array of Nx3 vertex positions (x,y,z) tris: np.array numpy array of Mx3 triangle vertex indices (int64) graph_edges: np.array numpy array of Kx2 of edges to set as the vtkPolyData.Lines Returns ------- vtk_mesh : vtk.vtkPolyData A VTK mesh representation of the mesh :obj:`trimesh.TriMesh` data Raises ------ ValueError: If the input trimesh is not 3D or tris refers to out of bounds vertex indices """ if tris.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('trimesh_to_vtk() only works on 3D TriMesh instances') if np.max(tris) >= len(vertices): msg = 'edges refer to non existent vertices {}.' raise ValueError(msg.format(np.max(tris))) mesh, cells, edges = numpy_rep_to_vtk(vertices, tris, graph_edges) mesh.SetPolys(cells) if edges is not None: mesh.SetLines(edges) return mesh
[docs]def vtk_cellarray_to_shape(vtk_cellarray, ncells): """Turn a vtkCellArray into a numpyarray of a fixed shape assumes your cell array has uniformed sized cells Parameters ---------- vtk_cellarray : vtk.vtkCellArray a cell array to convert ncells: int how many cells are in array Returns ------- np.array cellarray, a ncells x K array of cells, where K is the uniform shape of the cells. Will error if cells are not uniform """ cellarray = vtk_to_numpy(vtk_cellarray) cellarray = cellarray.reshape(ncells, int(len(cellarray)/ncells)) return cellarray[:, 1:]
[docs]def decimate_trimesh(trimesh, reduction=.1): """ routine to decimate a mesh through vtk Parameters ---------- trimesh : trimesh_io.Mesh a mesh to decimate reduction: float factor to decimate (default .1) Returns ------- np.array points, the Nx3 mesh of vertices np.array tris, the Kx3 indices of faces """ poly = trimesh_to_vtk(trimesh.vertices, trimesh.faces) dec = vtk.vtkDecimatePro() dec.SetTargetReduction(reduction) dec.PreserveTopologyOn() dec.SetInputData(poly) dec.Update() out_poly = dec.GetOutput() points = vtk_to_numpy(out_poly.GetPoints().GetData()) ntris = out_poly.GetNumberOfPolys() tris = vtk_cellarray_to_shape(out_poly.GetPolys().GetData(), ntris) return points, tris
[docs]def remove_unused_verts(verts, faces): """removes unused vertices from a graph or mesh Parameters ---------- verts : np.array NxD numpy array of vertex locations faces : np.array MxK numpy array of connected shapes (i.e. edges or tris) (entries are indices into verts) Returns ------- np.array new_verts a filtered set of vertices s new_face a reindexed set of faces """ used_verts = np.unique(faces.ravel()) new_verts = verts[used_verts, :] new_face = np.zeros(faces.shape, dtype=faces.dtype) for i in range(faces.shape[1]): new_face[:, i] = np.searchsorted(used_verts, faces[:, i]) return new_verts, new_face
[docs]def poly_to_mesh_components(poly): """ converts a vtkPolyData to its numpy components Parameters ---------- poly : vtk.vtkPolyData a polydate object to convert to numpy components Returns ------- np.array points, the Nx3 set of vertex locations np.array tris, the KxD set of faces (assumes a uniform cellarray) np.array edges, if exists uses the GetLines to make edges """ points = vtk_to_numpy(poly.GetPoints().GetData()) ntris = poly.GetNumberOfPolys() if ntris > 0: tris = vtk_cellarray_to_shape(poly.GetPolys().GetData(), ntris) else: tris = None nedges = poly.GetNumberOfLines() if nedges > 0: edges = vtk_cellarray_to_shape(poly.GetLines().GetData(), nedges) else: edges = None return points, tris, edges
[docs]def render_actors(actors, camera=None, do_save=False, filename=None, scale=4, back_color=(1, 1, 1), VIDEO_WIDTH=1080, VIDEO_HEIGHT=720, return_keyframes=False): """ Visualize a set of actors in a 3d scene, optionally saving a snapshot. Creates a window, renderer, interactor, add the actors and starts the visualization (can save images and close render window) Parameters ---------- actors : list[vtkActor] list of actors to render (see mesh_actor, point_cloud_actor, skeleton_actor) camera : :obj:`vtkCamera` camera to use for scence (optional..default to fit scene) do_save: bool write png image to disk, if false will open interactive window (default False) filename: str filepath to save png image to (default None) scale: scale factor to use when saving images to disk (default 4) for higher res images back_color: Iterable rgb values (0,1) to determine for background color (default 1,1,1 = white) return_keyframes : bool whether to save a new camera as a keyframes when you press 'k' with window open Returns ------- :obj:`vtk.vtkRenderer` renderer when code was finished (useful for retrieving user input camera position ren.GetActiveCamera()) (list[vtk.vtkCamera]) list of vtk cameras when user pressed 'k' (only if return_keyframes=True) """ if do_save: assert(filename is not None) # create a rendering window and renderer ren, renWin, iren = _setup_renderer( VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT, back_color, camera=camera) for a in actors: # assign actor to the renderer ren.AddActor(a) # render if camera is None: ren.ResetCamera() else: ren.ResetCameraClippingRange() camera.ViewingRaysModified() if return_keyframes: key_frame_cameras = [] def vtkKeyPress(obj, event): key = obj.GetKeySym() if key == 'k': key_camera = vtk.vtkCamera() key_camera.DeepCopy(ren.GetActiveCamera()) key_frame_cameras.append(key_camera) return iren.AddObserver("KeyPressEvent", vtkKeyPress) renWin.Render() if do_save is False: trackCamera = vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera() iren.SetInteractorStyle(trackCamera) # enable user interface interactor iren.Initialize() iren.Render() iren.Start() if do_save is True: renWin.OffScreenRenderingOn() w2if = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() w2if.SetScale(scale) w2if.SetInput(renWin) w2if.Update() writer = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() writer.SetFileName(filename) writer.SetInputData(w2if.GetOutput()) writer.Write() renWin.Finalize() if return_keyframes: return ren, key_frame_cameras else: return ren
[docs]def camera_from_quat(pos_nm, orient_quat, camera_distance=10000, ngl_correct=True): """define a vtk camera with a particular orientation Parameters ---------- pos_nm: np.array, list, tuple an iterator of length 3 containing the focus point of the camera orient_quat: np.array, list, tuple a len(4) quatenerion (x,y,z,w) describing the rotation of the camera such as returned by neuroglancer x,y,z,w all in [0,1] range camera_distance: float the desired distance from pos_nm to the camera (default = 10000 nm) Returns ------- vtk.vtkCamera a vtk camera setup according to these rules """ camera = vtk.vtkCamera() # define the quaternion in vtk, note the swapped order # w,x,y,z instead of x,y,z,w quat_vtk = vtk.vtkQuaterniond(orient_quat[3], orient_quat[0], orient_quat[1], orient_quat[2]) # use this to define a rotation matrix in x,y,z # right handed units M = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float32) quat_vtk.ToMatrix3x3(M) # the default camera orientation is y up up = [0, 1, 0] # calculate default camera position is backed off in positive z pos = [0, 0, camera_distance] # set the camera rototation by applying the rotation matrix camera.SetViewUp(*, up)) # set the camera position by applying the rotation matrix camera.SetPosition(*, pos)) if ngl_correct: # neuroglancer has positive y going down # so apply these azimuth and roll corrections # to fix orientatins camera.Azimuth(-180) camera.Roll(180) # shift the camera posiiton and focal position # to be centered on the desired location p = camera.GetPosition() p_new = np.array(p)+pos_nm camera.SetPosition(*p_new) camera.SetFocalPoint(*pos_nm) return camera
[docs]def camera_from_ngl_state(state_d, zoom_factor=300.0): """define a vtk camera from a neuroglancer state dictionary Parameters ---------- state_d: dict an neuroglancer state dictionary zoom_factor: float how much to multiply zoom by to get camera backoff distance default = 300 > ngl_zoom = 1 > 300 nm backoff distance Returns ------- vtk.vtkCamera a vtk camera setup that mathces this state """ orient = state_d.get('perspectiveOrientation', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) zoom = state_d.get('perspectiveZoom', 10.0) position = state_d['navigation']['pose']['position'] pos_nm = np.array(position['voxelCoordinates'])*position['voxelSize'] camera = camera_from_quat(pos_nm, orient, zoom * zoom_factor, ngl_correct=True) return camera
[docs]def process_colors(color, xyz): """ utility function to normalize colors on an set of things Parameters ---------- color : np.array a Nx3, or a N long, or a 3 long iterator the represents the color or colors you want to label xyz with xyz: np.array a NxD matrix you wish to 'color' Returns ------- np.array a Nx3 or N long array of color values bool map_colors, whether the colors should be mapped through a colormap or used as is """ map_colors = False if not isinstance(color, np.ndarray): color = np.array(color) if ((color.shape == (len(xyz), 3)) | (color.shape == (len(xyz), 4))): # then we have explicit colors if color.dtype != np.uint8: # if not passing uint8 assume 0-1 mapping assert(np.max(color) <= 1.0) assert(np.min(color) >= 0) color = np.uint8(color*255) elif color.shape == (len(xyz),): # then we want to map colors map_colors = True elif color.shape == (3,): # then we have one explicit color assert(np.max(color)<=1.0) assert(np.min(color)>=0) car = np.array(color*255, dtype=np.uint8) color = np.repeat(car[np.newaxis,:],len(xyz),axis=0) else: raise ValueError( 'color must have shapse Nx3 if explicitly setting, or (N,) if mapping, or (3,)') return color, map_colors
[docs]def mesh_actor(mesh, color=(0, 1, 0), opacity=0.1, vertex_colors=None, face_colors=None, lut=None, calc_normals=True, show_link_edges=False, line_width=3): """ function for producing a vtkActor from a trimesh_io.Mesh Parameters ---------- mesh : trimesh_io.Mesh a mesh to visualize color: various a len 3 iterator of a solid color to label mesh overridden by vertex_colors if passed opacity: float the opacity of the mesh (default .1) vertex_colors: np.array a np.array Nx3 list of explicit colors (where N is len(mesh.vertices)) OR a np.array of len(N) list of values to map through a colormap default (None) will use color to color mesh face_colors: np.array a np.array of Mx3 list of explicit colors (where M is the len(mesh.faces)) OR a np.array of len(M) list of values to map through a colormap (default None will use color for mesh) lut: np.array not implemented calc_normals: bool whether to calculate normals on the mesh. Default (True) will take more time, but will render a smoother mesh not compatible with sbow_link_edges. default True show_link_edges: bool whether to show the link_edges as lines. Will prevent calc_normals. default False line_width: int how thick to show lines (default 3) Returns ------- vtk.vtkActor vtkActor representing the mesh (to be passed to render_actors) """ if show_link_edges: mesh_poly = trimesh_to_vtk(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, mesh.link_edges) else: mesh_poly = trimesh_to_vtk(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, None) if vertex_colors is not None: vertex_color, map_vertex_color = process_colors( vertex_colors, mesh.vertices) vtk_vert_colors = numpy_to_vtk(vertex_color) vtk_vert_colors.SetName('colors') mesh_poly.GetPointData().SetScalars(vtk_vert_colors) if face_colors is not None: face_color, map_face_colors = process_colors(face_colors, mesh.faces) vtk_face_colors = numpy_to_vtk(face_color) vtk_face_colors.SetName('colors') mesh_poly.GetCellData().SetScalars(vtk_face_colors) mesh_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() if calc_normals and (not show_link_edges): norms = vtk.vtkTriangleMeshPointNormals() norms.SetInputData(mesh_poly) mesh_mapper.SetInputConnection(norms.GetOutputPort()) else: mesh_mapper.SetInputData(mesh_poly) mesh_actor = vtk.vtkActor() if lut is not None: mesh_mapper.SetLookupTable(lut) if face_colors is not None: if map_face_colors: mesh_mapper.SelectColorArray('colors') mesh_mapper.ScalarVisibilityOn() mesh_actor.SetMapper(mesh_mapper) mesh_actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(line_width) mesh_actor.GetProperty().SetColor(*color) mesh_actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) return mesh_actor
[docs]def skeleton_actor(sk, edge_property=None, vertex_property=None, vertex_data=None, normalize_property=True, color=(0, 0, 0), line_width=3, opacity=0.7, lut_map=None): """ function to make a vtkActor from a skeleton class with different coloring options Parameters ---------- sk : skeleton.Skeleton the skeleton class to create a render edge_property: str the key to the edge_properties dictionary on the sk object to use for coloring default None .. use color instead vertex_property: str the key to the vertex_properteis dictionary on the sk object to use for coloring default NOne ... use color instead vertex_data: np.array what data to color skeleton vertices by default None... use color intead normalize_property: bool whether to normalize the property data (edge/vertex) with dividing by np.nanmax color: tuple a 3 tuple in the [0,1] range of the color of the skeletoni line_width: int the width of the skeleton (default 3) opacity: float the opacity [0,1] of the mesh (1 = opaque, 0 = invisible) lut_map: np.array not implemented Returns ------- vtk.vtkActor actor representing the skeleton """ sk_mesh = graph_to_vtk(sk.vertices, sk.edges) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputData(sk_mesh) if edge_property is not None: data = sk.edge_properties[edge_property] if normalize_property: data = data / np.nanmax(data) sk_mesh.GetCellData().SetScalars(numpy_to_vtk(data)) lut = vtk.vtkLookupTable() if lut_map is not None: lut_map(lut) lut.Build() mapper.SetLookupTable(lut) data = None if vertex_data is None and vertex_property is not None: data = sk.vertex_properties[vertex_property] else: data = vertex_data if data is not None: if normalize_property: data = data / np.nanmax(data) sk_mesh.GetPointData().SetScalars(numpy_to_vtk(data)) lut = vtk.vtkLookupTable() if lut_map is not None: lut_map(lut) lut.Build() mapper.ScalarVisibilityOn() mapper.SetLookupTable(lut) actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(line_width) actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) actor.GetProperty().SetColor(color) return actor
[docs]def point_cloud_actor(xyz, size=100, color=(0,0,0), opacity=1): """function to make a vtk.vtkActor from a set of xyz points that renders them as spheres Parameters ---------- xyz : np.array a Nx3 array of points size: float or np.array the size of each of the points, or a N long array of sizes of each point color: len(3) iterator or np.array the color of all the points, or the color of each point individually as a N long array or a Nx3 list of explicit colors [0,1] range opacity: float the [0,1] opacity of mesh Returns ------- vtk.vtkActor an actor with each of the xyz points as spheres of the specified size and color """ points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(xyz, deep=True)) pc = vtk.vtkPolyData() pc.SetPoints(points) color, map_colors = process_colors(color, xyz) vtk_colors = numpy_to_vtk(color) vtk_colors.SetName('colors') if np.isscalar(size): size = np.full(len(xyz), size) elif len(size) != len(xyz): raise ValueError( 'Size must be either a scalar or an len(xyz) x 1 array') pc.GetPointData().SetScalars(numpy_to_vtk(size)) pc.GetPointData().AddArray(vtk_colors) ss = vtk.vtkSphereSource() ss.SetRadius(1) glyph = vtk.vtkGlyph3D() glyph.SetInputData(pc) glyph.SetInputArrayToProcess(3, 0, 0, 0, "colors") glyph.SetColorModeToColorByScalar() glyph.SetSourceConnection(ss.GetOutputPort()) glyph.SetScaleModeToScaleByScalar() glyph.ScalingOn() glyph.Update() mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(glyph.GetOutputPort()) if map_colors: mapper.SetScalarRange(np.min(color), np.max(color)) mapper.SelectColorArray('colors') actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) return actor
[docs]def linked_point_actor(vertices_a, vertices_b, inds_a=None, inds_b=None, line_width=1, color=(0, 0, 0), opacity=0.2): """ function for making polydata with lines between pairs of points Parameters ---------- vertices_a : np.array a Nx3 array of point locations in xyz vertices_b : np.array a Nx3 array of point locations in xyz inds_a: np.array the indices in vertices_a to use (default None is all of them) inds_b: np.array the indices in vertices_b to use (default None is all of them) line_width : int the width of lines to draw (default 1) color : iterator a len(3) iterator (tuple, list, np.array) with the color [0,1] to use opacity: float a [0,1] opacity to render the lines Returns ------- vtk.vtkActor an actor representing the lines between the points given with the color and opacity specified. To be passed to render_actors """ if inds_a is None: inds_a = np.arange(len(vertices_a)) if inds_b is None: inds_b = np.arange(len(vertices_b)) if len(inds_a) != len(inds_b): raise ValueError('Linked points must have the same length') link_verts = np.vstack((vertices_a[inds_a], vertices_b[inds_b])) link_edges = np.vstack((np.arange(len(inds_a)), len(inds_a)+np.arange(len(inds_b)))) link_poly = graph_to_vtk(link_verts, link_edges.T) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputData(link_poly) link_actor = vtk.vtkActor() link_actor.SetMapper(mapper) link_actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(line_width) link_actor.GetProperty().SetColor(color) link_actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) return link_actor
[docs]def oriented_camera(center, up_vector=(0, -1, 0), backoff=500, backoff_vector=(0, 0, 1)): ''' Generate a camera pointed at a specific location, oriented with a given up direction, set to a backoff of the center a fixed distance with a particular direction Parameters ---------- center : iterator a len 3 iterator (tuple, list, np.array) with the x,y,z location of the camera's focus point up_vector: iterator a len 3 iterator (tuple, list, np.array) with the dx,dy,dz direction of the camera's up direction default (0,-1,0) negative y is up. backoff: float distance in global space for the camera to be moved backward from the center point (default 500) backoff_vector: iterator a len 3 iterator (tuple, list, np.array) with the dx,dy,dz direction to back camera off of the focus point Returns ------- vtk.vtkCamera the camera object representing the desired camera location, orientation and focus parameters ''' camera = vtk.vtkCamera() pt_center = center vup = np.array(up_vector) vup = vup/np.linalg.norm(vup) bv = np.array(backoff_vector) pt_backoff = pt_center - backoff * 1000 * bv camera.SetFocalPoint(*pt_center) camera.SetViewUp(*vup) camera.SetPosition(*pt_backoff) return camera
[docs]def render_actors_360(actors, directory, nframes, camera_start=None, start_frame=0, video_width=1280, video_height=720, scale=4, do_save=True, back_color=(1, 1, 1)): """ Function to create a series of png frames which rotates around the Azimuth angle of a starting camera This will save images as a series of png images in the directory specified. The movie will start at time 0 and will go to frame nframes, completing a 360 degree rotation in that many frames. Keep in mind that typical movies are encoded at 15-30 frames per second and nframes is units of frames. Parameters ---------- actors : list of vtkActor's list of vtkActors to render directory : str folder to save images into nframes : int number of frames to render camera_start : vtk.Camera camera to start rotation, default=None will fit actors in scene start_frame : int number to save the first frame number as... (default 0) i.e. frames will start_frame = 5, first file would be 005.png video_width : int size of video in pixels video_height : int size of the video in pixels scale : int how much to expand the image do_save : bool whether to save the images to disk or just play interactively back_color : iterable a len(3) iterable with the background color [0,1]rgb Returns ------- vtkRenderer the renderer used to render endframe the last frame written Example ------- :: from meshparty import trimesh_io, trimesh_vtk mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(disk_cache_path = 'meshes') mesh = mm.mesh(filename='mymesh.obj') mesh_actor = trimesh_vtk.mesh_actor(mesh) mesh_center = np.mean(mesh.vertices, axis=0) camera_start = trimesh_vtk.oriented_camera(mesh_center) render_actors_360([mesh_actor], 'movie', 360, camera_start=camera_start) """ if camera_start is None: frame_0_file = os.path.join(directory, "0000.png") ren = render_actors(actors, do_save=True, filename=frame_0_file, VIDEO_WIDTH=video_width, VIDEO_HEIGHT=video_height, back_color=back_color) camera_start = ren.GetActiveCamera() cameras = [] times = [] for k, angle in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 360, nframes)): angle_cam = vtk.vtkCamera() angle_cam.ShallowCopy(camera_start) angle_cam.Azimuth(angle) cameras.append(angle_cam) times.append(k) return render_movie(actors, directory, times=times, cameras=cameras, video_height=video_height, video_width=video_width, scale=scale, do_save=do_save, start_frame=start_frame, back_color=back_color)
def _setup_renderer(video_width, video_height, back_color, camera=None): ren = vtk.vtkRenderer() renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renWin.AddRenderer(ren) renWin.SetSize(video_width, video_height) ren.SetBackground(*back_color) ren.UseFXAAOn() # ren.SetBackground( 1, 1, 1) if camera is not None: ren.SetActiveCamera(camera) # create a renderwindowinteractor iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin) return ren, renWin, iren
[docs]def render_movie(actors, directory, times, cameras, start_frame=0, video_width=1280, video_height=720, scale=4, do_save=True, back_color=(1, 1, 1)): """ Function to create a series of png frames based upon a defining a set of cameras at a set of times. This will save images as a series of png images in the directory specified. The movie will start at time 0 and will go to frame np.max(times) Reccomend to make times start at 0 and the length of the movie you want. Keep in mind that typical movies are encoded at 15-30 frames per second and times is units of frames. Parameters ---------- actors : list of vtkActor's list of vtkActors to render directory : str folder to save images into times : np.array array of K frame times to set the camera to cameras : list of vtkCamera's array of K vtkCamera objects. movie with have cameras[k] at times[k]. start_frame : int number to save the first frame number as... (default 0) i.e. frames will start_frame = 5, first file would be 005.png video_width : int size of video in pixels video_height : int size of the video in pixels scale : int how much to expand the image do_save : bool whether to save the images to disk or just play interactively Returns ------- vtkRenderer the renderer used to render endframe the last frame written Example ------- :: from meshparty import trimesh_io, trimesh_vtk mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(disk_cache_path = 'meshes') mesh = mm.mesh(filename='mymesh.obj') mesh_actor = trimesh_vtk.mesh_actor(mesh) mesh_center = np.mean(mesh.vertices, axis=0) camera_start = trimesh_vtk.oriented_camera(mesh_center, backoff = 10000, backoff_vector=(0, 0, 1)) camera_180 = trimesh_vtk.oriented_camera(mesh_center, backoff = 10000, backoff_vector=(0, 0, -1)) times = np.array([0, 90, 180]) cameras = [camera_start, camera_180, camera_start] render_movie([mesh_actor], 'movie', times, cameras) """ camera_interp = vtk.vtkCameraInterpolator() assert(len(times) == len(cameras)) for t, cam in zip(times, cameras): camera_interp.AddCamera(t, cam) def interpolate_camera(actors, camera, t): camera_interp.InterpolateCamera(t, camera) renWin, end_frame = render_movie_flexible(actors, directory, times, interpolate_camera, start_frame=start_frame, video_width=video_width, video_height=video_height, scale=scale, do_save=do_save, back_color=back_color) return renWin, end_frame
[docs]def render_movie_flexible(actors, directory, times, frame_change_function, start_frame=0, video_width=1280, video_height=720, scale=4, camera=None, do_save=True, back_color=(1, 1, 1)): """ Function to create a series of png frames based upon a defining a frame change function that will alter actors and camera at each time point This will save images as a series of png images in the directory specified. The movie will start at time 0 and will go to frame np.max(times) Reccomend to make times start at 0 and the length of the movie you want. Keep in mind that typical movies are encoded at 15-30 frames per second and times is units of frames. This is the most general of the movie making functions, and can be used to custom change coloring of actors or their positions over time using tranformations. Parameters ---------- actors : list of vtkActor's list of vtkActors to render directory : str folder to save images into times : np.array array of K frame times to set the camera to frame_change_function : func a function that takes (actors, camera, t) as arguments. where actors are the list of actors passed here, camera is the camera for the rendering, and t is the current frame number. This function may alter the actors and camera as a function of time in some user defined manner. start_frame : int number to save the first frame number as... (default 0) i.e. frames will start_frame = 5, first file would be 005.png video_width : int size of video in pixels video_height : int size of the video in pixels scale : int how much to expand the image do_save : bool whether to save the images to disk or just play interactively Returns ------- vtkRenderer the renderer used to render endframe the last frame written Example ------- :: from meshparty import trimesh_io, trimesh_vtk mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(disk_cache_path = 'meshes') mesh = mm.mesh(filename='mymesh.obj') mesh_actor = trimesh_vtk.mesh_actor(mesh) mesh_center = np.mean(mesh.vertices, axis=0) camera_start = trimesh_vtk.oriented_camera(mesh_center, backoff = 10000, backoff_vector=(0, 0, 1)) camera_180 = trimesh_vtk.oriented_camera(mesh_center, backoff = 10000, backoff_vector=(0, 0, -1)) times = np.array([0, 90, 180]) cameras = [camera_start, camera_180, camera_start] render_movie([mesh_actor], 'movie', times, cameras) """ if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if camera is None: camera = vtk.vtkCamera() # create a rendering window and renderer ren, renWin, iren = _setup_renderer( video_width, video_height, back_color, camera=camera) for a in actors: # assign actor to the renderer ren.AddActor(a) imageFilter = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() imageFilter.SetInput(renWin) imageFilter.SetScale(scale) imageFilter.SetInputBufferTypeToRGB() imageFilter.ReadFrontBufferOff() imageFilter.Update() # Setup movie writer if do_save: moviewriter = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() moviewriter.SetInputConnection(imageFilter.GetOutputPort()) renWin.OffScreenRenderingOn() for i in np.arange(0, np.max(times)+1): frame_change_function(actors, camera, i) ren.ResetCameraClippingRange() camera.ViewingRaysModified() renWin.Render() if do_save: filename = os.path.join(directory, "%04d.png" % (i+start_frame)) moviewriter.SetFileName(filename) # Export a current frame imageFilter.Update() imageFilter.Modified() moviewriter.Write() renWin.Finalize() return renWin, i+start_frame
[docs]def scale_bar_actor(center, camera, length=10000, color=(0, 0, 0), linewidth=5, font_size=20): """Creates a xyz 3d scale bar actor located at a specific location with a given size Parameters ---------- center : iterable a length 3 iterable of xyz position camera : vtk.vtkCamera the camera the scale bar should follow length : int, optional length of each of the xyz axis, by default 10000 color : tuple, optional color of text and lines, by default (0,0,0) linewidth : int, optional width of line in pixels, by default 5 font_size : int, optional font size of xyz labels, by default 20 Returns ------- vtk.vktActor scale bar actor to add to render_actors """ axes_actor = vtk.vtkCubeAxesActor2D() axes_actor.SetBounds(center[0], center[0]+length, center[1], center[1]+length, center[2], center[2]+length) # this means no real labels axes_actor.SetLabelFormat("") axes_actor.SetCamera(camera) # this turns off the tick marks and labelled numbers axes_actor.SetNumberOfLabels(0) # this affects whether the corner of the 3 axis # changes as you rotate the view # this option makes it stay constant axes_actor.SetFlyModeToNone() axes_actor.SetFontFactor(1.0) axes_actor.GetProperty().SetColor(*color) axes_actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(linewidth) # this controls the color of text tprop = vtk.vtkTextProperty() tprop.SetColor(*color) # no shadows on text tprop.ShadowOff() tprop.SetFontSize(font_size) # makes the xyz and labels the same axes_actor.SetAxisTitleTextProperty(tprop) axes_actor.SetAxisLabelTextProperty(tprop) return axes_actor
[docs]def values_to_colors(values, cmap, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Function to map a set of values through a colormap to get RGB values in order to facilitate coloring of meshes. Parameters ---------- values: array-like, (n_vertices, ) values to pass through colormap cmap: array-like, (n_colors, 3) colormap describing the RGB values from vmin to vmax vmin : float (optional) value that should receive minimum of colormap. default to minimum of values vmax : float (optional) values that should receive maximum of colormap default to maximum of values Output ------ colors: array-like, (n_vertices, 3) RGB values for each entry in values (as np.uint8 [0-255]) Example ------- Assuming mesh object and 'values' have been calculated already :: import seaborn as sns cmap = np.array(sns.color_palette('viridis', 1000)) clrs = trimesh_vtk.values_to_colors(values, cmap) mesh_actor = trimesh_io.mesh_actor(mesh, vertex_colors = clrs, opacity=1.0) trimesh_vtk.render_actors([mesh_actor]) """ n_colors = cmap.shape[0] if vmin is None: vmin = np.nanmin(values) if vmax is None: vmax = np.nanmax(values) values = np.clip(values, vmin, vmax) r = np.interp(x=values, xp=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n_colors), fp=cmap[:, 0]) g = np.interp(x=values, xp=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n_colors), fp=cmap[:, 1]) b = np.interp(x=values, xp=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n_colors), fp=cmap[:, 2]) colors = np.vstack([r, g, b]).T colors = (colors * 255).astype(np.uint8) return colors