Source code for meshparty.utils

import numpy as np 
from scipy import sparse
import networkx as nx

[docs]def connected_component_slice(G, ind=None, return_boolean=False): ''' Gets a numpy slice of the connected component corresponding to a given index. If no index is specified, the slice is of the largest connected component. ''' _, labels = sparse.csgraph.connected_components(G) if ind is None: label_vals, cnt = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) ind = np.argmax(cnt) label = label_vals[ind] else: label = labels[ind] if return_boolean: return labels == label else: return np.flatnonzero(labels == label)
[docs]def dist_from_line(pts, line_bound_pts, axis): ps = (pts[:, axis] - line_bound_pts[0, axis]) / (line_bound_pts[1, axis] - line_bound_pts[0, axis]) line_pts = np.multiply(ps[:,np.newaxis], line_bound_pts[1] - line_bound_pts[0]) + line_bound_pts[0] ds = np.linalg.norm(pts - line_pts, axis=1) return ds
[docs]def filter_close_to_line(mesh, line_bound_pts, line_dist_th, axis=1): line_pt_ord = np.argsort(line_bound_pts[:,axis]) below_top = mesh.vertices[:,axis] > line_bound_pts[line_pt_ord[0], axis] above_bot = mesh.vertices[:,axis] < line_bound_pts[line_pt_ord[1], axis] ds = dist_from_line( mesh.vertices, line_bound_pts, axis) is_close = (ds < line_dist_th) & below_top & above_bot return is_close
[docs]def mutual_closest_edges(mesh_a, mesh_b, distance_upper_bound=250): a_ds, a_inds = mesh_a.kdtree.query(mesh_b.vertices, distance_upper_bound=distance_upper_bound) b_ds, b_inds = mesh_b.kdtree.query(mesh_a.vertices, distance_upper_bound=distance_upper_bound) mutual_closest = b_inds[a_inds[b_inds[~np.isinf(b_ds)]]] == b_inds[~np.isinf(b_ds)] a_closest = a_inds[b_inds[~np.isinf(b_ds)]][mutual_closest] b_closest = b_inds[~np.isinf(b_ds)][mutual_closest] potential_edges = np.unique(np.vstack((a_closest, b_closest)), axis=1).T return potential_edges[:, 0], potential_edges[:, 1]
[docs]def indices_to_slice(inds, total_length): v = np.full(total_length, False) v[inds] = True return v
[docs]def find_far_points(trimesh, start_ind=None, multicomponent=False): ''' Wraps find_far_points_graph for meshes instead of csgraphs. ''' return find_far_points_graph(trimesh.csgraph, start_ind=start_ind, multicomponent=multicomponent)
[docs]def find_far_points_graph(mesh_graph, start_ind=None, multicomponent=False): ''' Finds the maximally far point along a graph by bouncing from farthest point to farthest point. ''' d = 0 dn = 1 if start_ind is None: if multicomponent: a = connected_component_slice(mesh_graph)[0] else: a = 0 else: a = start_ind b = 1 k = 0 pred = None ds = None while 1: k += 1 dsn, predn = sparse.csgraph.dijkstra( mesh_graph, False, a, return_predecessors=True) if multicomponent: dsn[np.isinf(dsn)] = 0 bn = np.argmax(dsn) dn = dsn[bn] if dn > d: b = a a = bn d = dn pred = predn ds = dsn else: break return b, a, pred, d, ds
[docs]def edge_averaged_vertex_property(edge_property, vertices, edges): ''' Converts a per-edge property to a vertex property by taking the mean of the adjacent edges. ''' vertex_property = np.full((len(vertices),2), np.nan) vertex_property[edges[:,0],0] = np.array(edge_property) vertex_property[edges[:,1],1] = np.array(edge_property) return np.nanmean(vertex_property, axis=1)
[docs]def reduce_vertices(vertices, vertex_shape, v_filter=None, e_filter=None, return_filter_inds=False): ''' Given a vertex and edge list, filters them down and remaps indices in the edge list. If no v or e filters are given, reduces the vertex list down to only those vertices with values in the vertex_shape object. ''' if v_filter is None: v_filter = np.unique(vertex_shape).astype(int) if v_filter.dtype == bool: v_filter = np.flatnonzero(v_filter) if e_filter is None: # Take all edges that have both vertices in the kept indices e_filter_bool = np.all(np.isin(vertex_shape, v_filter), axis=1) e_filter = np.flatnonzero(e_filter_bool) vertices_n = vertices[v_filter] vertex_shape_n = filter_shapes(v_filter, vertex_shape[e_filter]) if return_filter_inds: return vertices_n, vertex_shape_n, (v_filter, e_filter) else: return vertices_n, vertex_shape_n
[docs]def create_csgraph(vertices, edges, euclidean_weight=True, directed=False): ''' Builds a csr graph from vertices and edges, with optional control over weights as boolean or based on Euclidean distance. ''' if euclidean_weight: xs = vertices[edges[:,0]] ys = vertices[edges[:,1]] weights = np.linalg.norm(xs-ys, axis=1) use_dtype = np.float32 else: weights = np.ones((len(edges),)).astype(np.int8) use_dtype = np.int8 if directed: edges = edges.T else: edges = np.concatenate([edges.T, edges.T[[1, 0]]], axis=1) weights = np.concatenate([weights, weights]).astype(dtype=use_dtype) csgraph = sparse.csr_matrix((weights, edges), shape=[len(vertices), ] * 2, dtype=use_dtype) return csgraph
[docs]def create_nxgraph(vertices, edges, euclidean_weight=True, directed=False): if euclidean_weight: xs = vertices[edges[:,0]] ys = vertices[edges[:,1]] weights = np.linalg.norm(xs-ys, axis=1) use_dtype = np.float32 else: weights = np.ones((len(edges),)).astype(bool) use_dtype = bool if directed: edges = edges.T else: edges = np.concatenate([edges.T, edges.T[[1, 0]]], axis=1) weights = np.concatenate([weights, weights]).astype(dtype=use_dtype) weighted_graph = nx.Graph() weighted_graph.add_edges_from(edges) for i_edge, edge in enumerate(edges): weighted_graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] = weights[i_edge] weighted_graph[edge[1]][edge[0]]['weight'] = weights[i_edge] return weighted_graph
[docs]def get_path(root, target, pred): ''' Using a predecessor matrix from scipy.csgraph.shortest_paths, get all indices on the path from a root node to a target node. ''' path = [target] p = target while p != root: p = pred[p] path.append(p) path.reverse() return path
[docs]def paths_to_edges(path_list): ''' Turn an ordered path into an edge list. ''' arrays = [] for path in path_list: p = np.array(path) e = np.vstack((p[0:-1], p[1:])).T arrays.append(e) return np.vstack(arrays)
[docs]def filter_shapes(node_ids, shapes): """ node_ids has to be sorted! """ if not isinstance(node_ids[0], list) and \ not isinstance(node_ids[0], np.ndarray): node_ids = [node_ids] # If shapes is 1d, make into an Nx1 2d-array. if len(shapes.shape) == 1: shapes = shapes[:, np.newaxis] ndim = shapes.shape[1] if isinstance(node_ids, np.ndarray): all_node_ids = node_ids.flatten() else: all_node_ids = np.concatenate(node_ids) filter_ = np.in1d(shapes[:, 0], all_node_ids) pre_filtered_shapes = shapes[filter_].copy() for k in range(1, ndim): filter_ = np.in1d(pre_filtered_shapes[:, k], all_node_ids) pre_filtered_shapes = pre_filtered_shapes[filter_] filtered_shapes = [] for ns in node_ids: f = pre_filtered_shapes[np.in1d(pre_filtered_shapes[:, 0], ns)] for k in range(1, ndim): f = f[np.in1d(f[:, k], ns)] f = np.unique(np.concatenate([f.flatten(), ns]), return_inverse=True)[1][:-len(ns)].reshape(-1, ndim) filtered_shapes.append(f) return filtered_shapes
[docs]def nanfilter_shapes(node_ids, shapes): ''' Wraps filter_shapes to handle shapes with nans. ''' # if not any(np.isnan(shapes)): # return filter_shapes(node_ids, shapes)[0].reshape(shapes.shape) long_shapes = shapes.ravel() ind_rows = ~np.isnan(long_shapes) new_inds = filter_shapes(node_ids, long_shapes[ind_rows]) filtered_shape = np.full(len(long_shapes), np.nan) filtered_shape[ind_rows] = new_inds[0].ravel() return filtered_shape.reshape(shapes.shape)
[docs]def path_from_predecessors(Ps, ind_start): """ Build a path from an initial index to a target node based on the target node predecessor row from a shortest path query. """ path = [] next_ind = ind_start while next_ind != -9999: path.append(next_ind) next_ind = Ps[next_ind] return np.array(path)